Nature Is Also Blue: Ocean Biodiversity in Focus at COP 16

Date: 17th October 2024

As the world comes together for the Sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 16), the Nature Is Also Blue campaign ensures that ocean biodiversity remains a key focus. From the High Seas to the Deep Ocean, and from the Coasts to the Poles, the ocean plays a vital role in sustaining life on Earth.

The campaign uses the Blue Handprint as a symbol of our shared responsibility to protect marine ecosystems. Through visual displays, blue wristbands, and online engagement, the campaign aims to raise awareness about the urgent need for ocean conservation.

Join the movement by following the campaign on social media, sharing your support with the hashtag #NatureIsAlsoBlue, and helping to protect our ocean at COP 16 and beyond.

Learn more at Nature Is Also Blue.

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