Expert Spokespeople
If you would like to interview someone from the OneOcean team about the response room analysis or speak to a scientist or advocacy expert about the need to protect nature in Post COVID-19 recovery please contact
Jennifer Sletton
Staff Attorney and Outreach Cooridinator, ProtectedSeas
Ocean Resilience
Jiliang Chen
Researcher at Greenovation Hub
Arctic and Antarctic, High Seas
Joe Wilkins
World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council
citizen science, community outreach, Youth in ocean conservation
John Maggs
Senior Policy Advisor, Seas At Risk
Arctic and Antarctic, Climate Breakdown, COP25, Ocean Resilience, Shipping
Karen Sack
President and CEO, Ocean Unite
30x30, Arctic and Antarctic, Ocean Resilience
Kirsten Grorud-Colvert
Assistant Professor – Senior Research, Oregon State University; The MPA Guide
30x30, Ocean Resilience
Dr Kristina Boerder
Dalhousie University
30x30, Fisheries, High Seas, Ocean Resilience
Kristina Gjerde
Senior High Seas Advisor to IUCN’s Global Marine and Polar Programme
High Seas, IPCC, Ocean Resilience
Kyle Van Houtan
Chief Scientist, Monterey Bay Aquarium
Climate Breakdown, COP25, Fisheries, High Seas, Land use impacts on coastal ecosystems, Ocean Resilience, Pollution
Lance Morgan
Marine biologist and president of Marine Conservation Institute