Expert Spokespeople
If you would like to interview someone from the OneOcean team about the response room analysis or speak to a scientist or advocacy expert about the need to protect nature in Post COVID-19 recovery please contact
Professor Les Watling
Department of Biology, University of Hawaii
Climate Breakdown, COP25
Lisa Speer
Director International Oceans Programme, NRDC
High Seas, IPCC
Louisa Casson
Oceans campaigner, Greenpeace UK
30x30, Arctic and Antarctic, Climate Breakdown, COP25, Deep ocean, High Seas
Dr Lucy Woodall
Nekton Principle Scientist, University of Oxford
IPCC, Ocean Resilience
Masha Vorontsova
Senior Advisor, Marine Conservation, IFAW
30x30, Deep ocean, High Seas, Ocean Resilience
Matthew Collis
Deputy Vice President-Conservation, IFAW
30x30, biodiversity conservation, marine megafauna, MPAs
Matthew Gianni
Co-founder, Political and Policy Advisor, Deep Sea Conservation Coalition
Deep ocean
Michael Fishbach
Executive Director, Great Whale Conservancy
Arctic and Antarctic, Ocean Resilience
Mirella von Lindenfels
Director International Programme on the State of the Ocean
Climate Breakdown, COP25, COVID, High Seas, IPCC
Miriam C. Goldstein
Director of Ocean Policy, Center for American Progress
30x30, Land use impacts on coastal ecosystems, Ocean Resilience, Pollution